Thursday, 23 May 2013

Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows Phone 8

Start ScreenNot felt, even one week I have tasted HTC Windows Phone 8s after about a year and a half using the Smartphone Robot Green (read: Android). It took a bit of habituation to migrate from Android to Windows Phone 8, because both the operating system is a little different (somewhat much different, actually).During the week anyway, I have found some of the advantages and disadvantages that WIndows Phone 8, compared to when I use Android.Here, some of the advantages and disadvantages of Windows Phone 8 according to my own:Advantages of Windows Phone 8Cool User Interface, and this is the main reason why I memlih Windows Phone 8. For UI Addict like me, look Modern UI with Live Tile on Windows Phone 8 is very tempting. Some applications, such as Facebook, Foursquare, and his friends look unbelievably cool and different from 180 degrees to look at Android.This is the Start Screen IStart Screen which can be customized according to taste. Although Windows Phone does not support the name wallpaper, but the Start Screen filled with Live Tiles enough to spoil the users who use it.
Multitasking mantab, which makes it much easier to move from one application to another. Unlike when I use Android, although it supports multitasking as well, moving from one application to another seemed less practical.
People, an application that combines it all into one. By opening this app, the latest update daru friends facebook, twitter, and linkedin will be displayed simultaneously. Lumanyan help for people who are on social networking ngeksis like me hehehe
Notifications in one place, easy to access. Windows Phone 8 users do not need to open the Facebook app, Twitter, and Linkedin notifications one by one to see, because everything has been collected in one place and will show up well on the Live Tiles.
Shortage of Windows Phone 8

The absence of notification center that is easily accessible. If Android and several other operating systems, users are permitted to see the notification bar pull down menu, in the Windows Phone 8 is all collected in the Start Screen, so to see the user must minimize open applications, and back to the Start Screen.
Applications are still a few options. Collection of applications available on the Windows Phone store is very limited because of Windows Phone 8 is an operating system that is very new.
Application updates a little bit longer than the other OS. Because users of Windows Phone fairly far less than Android and iOS, the developers usually will put in a second application update OS from Google and Apple, then update to Windows Phone 8 will be issued.
The above items are some of the advantages and disadvantages of Windows Phone 8 is generally purely from me after memakanya for 1 Week. In addition, there are many great applications that I have not found in other operating systems I have ever used.

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